Communications Committee

Terms of Reference

Communications Committee

1. Mandate

This is a standing committee of CARO. It serves to coordinate communications between CARO, its membership, and the general public on matters central to the CARO vision and mission.

2. Objectives

  • To develop and execute a communication strategy consistent with CARO vision, mission, values, and priority goals.
  • To administer and manage content on the CARO website as well as oversee other CARO related electronic/print communications including email, social media, and newsletters.
  • To develop and manage policies/protocols for the dissemination of internal and external CARO related information

3. Membership

This committee will be comprised of members with regional representation across Canada. The Chair will be appointed by the CARO Board of Directors. All Committee members must be members of CARO in good standing.

4. Terms of Office

The term of the Committee members is three years commencing at the Annual General Meeting, following which they may be reappointed by the Chair for one additional successive term. The term of the Chair is three years commencing at the Annual General Meeting, following which they may be reappointed by the CARO Board for one additional successive term.

5. Reporting Relationships

The Committee reports directly to the CARO Board. The Committee will provide written reports and presentations when requested by the CARO Board.

6. Liaisons

This committee will liaise with all of the Committees of CARO as required.

7. Meetings

The Committee will meet at the time of the CARO Annual Scientific Meeting. The Committee will conduct correspondence or teleconference meetings at the call of the Chair.

8. Financial Arrangements

No committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member. CARO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual Scientific Meeting or to CARO representatives travelling on pre-approved business that is not otherwise supported. Committee members shall declare any potential conflicts of interest.

9. By-Laws

This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.


Approved September 2014